Geometry: Area & Perimeter
About the Geometry: Area & Perimeter Lesson

Teach the students the meaning of the terms area and perimeter and learn how to calculate them.
• The student will be able to define the terms area and perimeter.
The student will be able to calculate simple areas and perimeters.
The student will be able to draw simple shapes on a grid and calculate the area and perimeter.
The student will complete an area and perimeter worksheet with 75% accuracy.
Suggested Grades
1st Grade
2nd Grade
Square pattern blocks (5 per student)
Copy of garden worksheet
1. Tell a story about a rabbit in a garden, similar to Peter Rabbit.
I have a garden in my yard. I just love the taste of fresh beans, so I have planted a lot of beans. They were just starting to sprout and had about 2 leaves on each tiny stem, when I noticed that something was eating the leaves. It was a baby bunny and I knew that if there was one bunny, there would soon be more. What do you think I should do to keep the bunnies from eating my beans? I don?t want to hurt the bunnies, but I want to have fresh beans.