LANGUAGE ARTS Lessons, Lesson Plans, Worksheets, and Activities for teaching 2nd Grade - 3rd Grade - 4th Grade - 5th Grade - 6th Grade - 7th Grade - 8th Grade - Elementary - Middle School

Learn about adverbs.
Introduction to conjunctions.
Identifying Parts Of Speech
Introduction to identifying parts of speech.
English Grammar: Articles
An English grammar lesson on articles.
English Grammar: Prepositions
Introduction to prepositions.
What do I do? - Exploring verbs
The lesson introduces the present, past, and future tenses of regular verbs.
Parts of Speech - Sorting Nouns and Verbs
The focus of this lesson is to teach students the meaning of nouns and verbs. The students will also practice the skill of reading basic vocabulary and classifying.
Writing: Sequencing a How To Piece
This lesson?s focus is to use sequencing words when writing a ?how-to? piece. It uses the familiar experience of eating a cookie as the motivation for writing.
Reading, Plot, Identifying Problem and Solution
The students will read a short story and identify the problem and solution by highlighting it in the text and by summarizing in their own words.
Conversation and Communication
A nonsense verse introduces the art of conversation followed by a discussion of rules that make for good conversation and communication. After the lesson, activities help the children practice conversation and communication skills.
Making Connections ? Coordinating Conjunctions
A discussion of simple and compound sentences, facilitated by the teacher, is followed by exercises where children identify simple sentences and conjunctions within compound sentences as well as using conjunctions to join simple sentences.
Understanding Narrative Poetry
In this literature lesson, students will analyze narrative poetry and create their own narrative poem.
What, why, when, how, where, who? ? Framing Questions to Obtain Information
Activity 1 offers practice in framing questions. Activity 2 gives the children the opportunity to consider the relevant questions to ask in order to obtain information.
What can I say? ? Sharing Ideas
Activity A gives every child the opportunity to speak on a given subject. Activity B provides practice in preparing a speech and deciding how to present it.
Humpty Dumpty - Identifying Rhyming Words
The discussion re-introduces the concept of rhyming words, which the children will have encountered previously in their school career and looks at the patterns of rhyming words.
Big, Bigger, Biggest - Comparatives
The reading introduces the children to comparative and superlative adjectives and can be used as an individual task or as a paired activity.
Hidden Comparisons - Metaphors
The reading introduces the children to the concept of metaphors and can be used in small group or paired discussions. The activities are suitable for individual work or to be completed in pairs.
Going on ? Present Continuous Tense Objectives
The reading introduces the children to the present continuous tense and can be read individually or in pairs. Activities A and B provide practice in using the tense correctly and Activity C reinforces the information given on when the present continuous
ABC ? Introduction to the Dictionary
The lesson is an introduction to the use of the dictionary and starts with a review of the alphabet. This is designed to form part of a class discussion and sorting using the first and second letter could be practiced in class.
Synonyms and Antonyms
The reading introduces the children to synonyms and antonyms and gives examples. It is designed for individual or paired reading but could also be used as part of a class discussion.
English ? Homonyms
Activity A could be used as a paired activity and requires the children to think of homonyms which would be appropriate for use in the sentences. Activity B is an individual activity.
Describing Words ? Learning About Adjectives
Activity A requires them to identify adjectives in a text and Activity B gives them the opportunity to use adjectives in sentences and to respond to a description.
As Big As - Similes
The reading introduces the children to the concept of similes and can be done either individually or as a class discussion.
Once Upon a Time ? Story Telling
The reading is an introduction to the art of storytelling and should, ideally, be used as part of a class discussion on the concept.
These activities provide students with the basics for the part of speech adjective. It includes a guide to help them categorize adjectives based on the descriptive question that they answer.
These activities provide students with the basics for the part of speech adverb. It includes a guide to help them categorize adverbs by the question that they answer: how and when.
These activities provide students with the basics for the part of speech noun. It includes a guide to help them categorize nouns into person, place, thing, or idea and instructs them on singular, plural and gives them an opportunity to identify nouns.
These activities provide students with the basics for the part of speech pronoun. It includes a guide to help them identify pronouns in a sentence and how to match the correct pronoun to the noun. The lesson also gives them writing practice.
These activities provide students with the basics for the part of speech verb. It includes a guide to help them identify action verbs in sentences and use them in their own sentence writing. Students will also be given practice on tense identification.
Animals, Animals! Noun Animals
Beginning readers will learn to recognize nouns as parts of speech. This lesson will show them that nouns can be the names of animals.
Person, Place, or Thing Noun Hunt
This lesson starts with common nouns to familiarize children with words that are nouns. Children take what they have learned in earlier lessons to show that the names of persons, places, things, or animals are nouns.
Am I a Person? People Nouns
Beginning readers will learn to recognize nouns as parts of speech. This lesson will show them nouns can be the names of people.
Am I a Place? Place Nouns
Beginning readers will learn to recognize nouns as parts of speech. This lesson will show them that nouns can be the name of a place.
It is a Noun Thing! Names of Things
Beginning readers will learn to recognize nouns as parts of speech. This lesson will show them that nouns can be the names of things.
Initial Sounds with Word Families
While this lesson is designed for younger students it can be used to instruct an English language learner or a struggling older student. This phonemic awareness lesson is a great lesson to utilize when teaching beginning reading skills.
Letter Recognition and Sound Review
This lesson is designed to help Kindergarten students learn and master letter names, recognition and sounds. While this lesson is designed for younger students it can be used to instruct an English language learner or a struggling older student.
Long Vowels with Silent ?E?
This lesson is designed to help 1st grade students learn and master long vowel sounds in cVcE words. While this lesson is designed for younger students it can be used to instruct an English language learner or a struggling older student.
Segmenting and Blending with Word Families
While this lesson is designed for younger students it can be used to instruct an English language learner or a struggling older student. This phonemic awareness lesson is a great lesson to utilize when teaching beginning reading skills.
Short Vowel Review
This lesson is designed to help 1st grade students learn and master short vowel sounds and cVc words.
Learning About Adverbs
This lesson introduces the adverb as a part of speech. Activity A reinforces the concept of adverbs falling into the categories of manner, time and place. Activity B requires them to identify adverbs in a text.
The Past Tense
This lesson introduces the past tense. Activity A gives further practice in changing present tense to past tense, using regular verbs. Activity B requires the children to identify the past tense of a verb and indicate whether it is regular or irregular.
Future Tense
This lesson briefly reviews the parts of speech the children have already learned and introduces the simple future tense.
Fill in the Nouns
This is a short lesson in understanding that the world is filled with common and proper nouns. It is also an indirect lesson on using creativity to form funny or serious sentences by changing the nouns.
Nouns All Around
This is another lesson about recognizing the differences between common nouns and proper nouns. Children are shown how nouns work in speech and print.
Noun Switcheroo
This is another lesson for children to learn the differences between common nouns and proper nouns. It also teaches children that a common noun can be equated to a proper noun by naming a specific person, place, or thing.
Proper Nouns About Me
This lesson will personalize proper nouns that are specific to a child?s life. It will also help children to understand the relationship between a common noun and a proper noun for the same person, place, or thing. For example boy and Brian.
Very Proper Nouns
A beginning lesson on learning the differences between common nouns and proper nouns.
This lesson explains the importance of punctuation in writing and introduces some of the more common punctuation marks. Activity A reinforces the knowledge presented in the lesson. Activity B gives the children an opportunity to use punctuation correctly.
Writing Instruction
This lesson teaches the children how to write clear instructions. Activity A emphasizes the importance of writing the different steps in the correct sequence. Activity B gives the children an opportunity to write out and follow a set of instructions.
It?s A Zoo! Noun And Article Search
A review lesson to reinforce the idea that articles and nouns are often paired together in a sentence. If students are having trouble identifying nouns, this will also give them a pointer to look for articles before nouns.
OOPS! Who used the wrong article?
To reinforce the proper use of articles, the, a or an. Help children develop a connection between the right or wrong sound of a sentence.
ARTICLES Using A and An
To teach students how to identify articles - a, an and the. Students will learn to use a before nouns beginning with a consonants and an before nouns beginning with a vowel.
Fill in the Article A, An and The
To reinforce the use of articles - a and an, by having students fill in the blanks with the proper article. An introduction to developing a sense of which article sounds right in a sentence.
ARTICLES: Three Little Words
Students will learn to identify the articles - a, an and the. They will see how articles are used in a sentence.
Adjectives: Words That Tell Us More
A beginning lesson in learning about adjectives. How adjectives can change the meaning of a sentence by painting a vivid word picture.
Adjectives: Hairy Apes and Green Cupcakes
This lesson is designed to teach children how to use their own adjectives to make more interesting sentences.
Fun With Adjectives
A lesson on how to use adjectives to paint a vivid word picture. Using adjectives that make sense to fill in the blanks of a creative story. A short lesson in creative writing.
Predicate Adjectives
A short lesson on predicate adjectives to show children how adjectives can come before or after the noun.
Summing up - Summarizing
The first section of the reading is based on Milne?s poem and is for full class discussion. The story following is for individual reading and is the basis of two of the activities.
Dream On: More Action Verbs
This lesson introduces another type of action verbs. It shows how intangible words such as dream, hope, fear, etc. can be used as action verbs. It also reinforces action words as an important part of a sentence.
Linking Verbs: To Be or Not To Be
An introduction to using forms of the verb to be. Teaches the eight words that make up the verb to be. Also teaches good grammar as children must place words in sentences by how the verb form sounds.
Stand Up for Verbs: Action Verbs
This is an introductory lesson on action verbs. It is also designed to teach initial grammar skills, using verbs.
Action or Being: Which Verb Do I Use?
This lesson explains the difference between action verbs and state-of-being verbs. The lesson introduces the four common parts of the verb to be: am, is, are, and be.
More Action Verbs
This lesson introduces another part of speech - verbs. It is designed to help students understand that verbs are the doing part of a sentence, showing movement or action.
Proper Adjectives
A beginning lesson on proper adjectives, showing children another part of speech that needs capitalization.
And then what? - Word Sequence
Activity A helps the children identify sequence words. Activity B reinforces the concept of using sequence words to correctly order events. Activity C gives the children the opportunity to practice using the words to describe events in sequence.
Prepositions: Time, Place, Direction
This lesson introduces prepositions of time, place and direction. Activity A is an exercise in identifying the three different classes of prepositions. Activity B gives children an opportunity to use prepositions in their own writing.
Gone With the Past: Past Tense Verbs
Another lesson on using past tense verbs. It is designed to show students how to add an ed ending to change present tense verbs into past tense verbs.
A Past Thing: Past Tense Verbs
This lesson introduces past tense verbs. It provides a short summary of all three verb tenses with examples to show the difference.
Say When - Verb Tenses - Past, Present, Future
A lesson about the three verb tenses - past, present, and future. A review of how to use the tenses properly in a sentence.
A Now Thing - Verb Tense Introduction
This lesson begins with a review of present tense verbs. Present, past, and future tense verbs are then introduced.
Zoom to the Future - Future Tense Verbs
This lesson introduces future tense verbs. It is intended to teach students how to identify a future tense verb by locating the key word will in a sentence.
Learning About Prepositional Phrases
This lesson presupposes that the children have been introduced to the preposition as a part of speech. The discussion is designed for the teacher to use as part of the lesson.
Using Future Perfect Tense
A short lesson on how to use past participles. Students will change or write sentences using the future perfect tense.
Using Verbs and Past Participles
This lesson introduces the three principal parts of a verb ? present, past, and past participle. It also reviews the types of verbs and verb tenses.
A Past Perfect Thing: Using Past Perfect Tense
A lesson on how to use the past perfect tense. It also provides an easy flowchart to help students remember all the verbs, tenses, and principal parts of a verb.
The Three Parts of a Verb: Past Participles
A lesson about past participles. It includes a short refresher on verb tenses with questions to evaluate student understanding of verb tenses.
The Present is Perfect: Present Perfect Tense
An introductory lesson on past participles and the use of the present perfect tense. Students are required to change underlined verbs to the present perfect tense.
Art ? Paper Pasting ? Doing Collage
The lesson introduces the children to the ancient art of collage. The activities, A to D, lead the children through the process of producing a two-dimensional collage.
Language ? Modifier Phrases
The lesson assumes an understanding of modifiers in the form of adverbs and adjectives and the difference between a sentence and a phrase.
Simple Sentence Structure
Activity A requires the children to identify the two main parts of a simple sentence ? the subject, or noun clause and the predicate. Activity B gives them the opportunity to write their own sentences, using the table to show how they are formed.
Is It Irregular?
This is a lesson to reinforce the concept of irregular verbs. Students are given the chance to change incorrect verbs to the correct form. This is a good review to assess understanding of the subject.
That Troublesome Pair: Lie, Lay
This is a lesson to show the difference between the verbs to lie and to lay. Definitions are included. Students are required to answer questions about this confusing pair.
Regular or Irregular Verbs
An introduction to regular and irregular verbs. Examples are provided, showing examples of regular and irregular verb tenses.
Sit or Set
A short lesson on using the troublesome irregular verb pair set and sit. Students will use each word in a sentence and answer questions on correct usage.
Using Irregular Verbs Correctly
A short lesson on how to use irregular verbs correctly. It is also a review of irregular verbs that do not change form, but stay the same in all tenses.
Oh, May I Please? Using Can and May
Simple lesson in using helping verbs ? can and may. Definitions of both words to clarify when you use each.
Main Verb or Helping Verb? Using Have and Has
Learning the uses of the words ? have and has. Students will learn the two jobs these words do as main verbs or helping verbs and their tenses.
Verb SOS! Using Helping Verbs
A lesson describing helping verbs and their usage in a sentence. Shows the twenty-three helping verbs and eight forms of the verb to be.
To be a Helper, Using the To Be Verbs
Another lesson in proper usage of the to be verbs with a review of the eight forms of this verb. Questions and fill in the blanks to gain mastery over the subject.
Help! Action Verbs and Their Helpers
Lesson in learning to use helping verbs ? especially forms of the verb to be. Practice in understanding the three possible uses of a to be verb in a sentence.
Gerunds Anyone?
A lesson about gerunds and gerund phrases.
Verbals: Infinitives and Beyond
A brief review of verbals with a focus on infinitives. Students will learn a few more facts about infinitives.
Verbals: Participles
This lesson is a review of verbals with a focus on participles. It gives a short explanation of the two jobs of participles: to show tense and to function as an adjective.
The Verbal Trio Introduction: Infinitives, Gerunds, and Participles
This is an introductory lesson about verbals: infinitives, gerunds and participles. It includes brief definitions and examples of each kind of verbal.
Verb Masquerade: Infinitives, Gerunds, and Participles
Another lesson on three kinds of verbals: Infinitives, Gerunds, and Participles.
Action or Linking? Test your Knowledge of Linking Verbs
A lesson in the differences between action and linking verbs. Examples are given showing the differences. Sentences are broken apart to show subject, predicate and object, or predicate nouns or adjectives.
A Tvo! Transitive Verbs and Objects
A lesson in using transitive verbs with direct and indirect objects.
Direct Objects -- Verbs that Act on Something
A beginning lesson in transitive verbs and direct objects. Students learn definitions of direct objects and transitive verbs.
I Object! Understanding Transitive Verbs
A beginning lesson on transitive verbs with definitions of direct and indirect objects. Sentences are taken apart to show subject, verb and object.
It?s Indirect -- Using Indirect Objects
Short lesson in using transitive verbs and indirect objects.
Links in a Chain: Learning about Linking Verbs
A beginning lesson in the use of linking verbs, predicate nouns and predicate adjectives.
Linked for Life: Linking Verbs and Predicate Nouns
Review lesson on linking verbs with a focus on predicate nouns.
Yikes! More Verbs: Intransitive Verbs
Lesson will show the differences between transitive and intransitive verbs. This lesson will focus on intransitive verbs.
No Direct Objects Allowed: Using Intransitive Verbs
Using intransitive verbs with explanations showing the differences between transitive and intransitive.
Tell Me More: Using Predicate Adjectives
Introductory lesson in using predicate adjectives. Some review of linking verbs and adjectives.
Adverb or Adjective: Who?s Wearing the -ly?
A beginning lesson on the difference between adjectives and adverbs.
Let?s Compare: Adverbs of Degree
A beginning lesson on adverbs of degree with explanations and examples of positive, comparative and superlative degrees.
Is it an Adverb? More Words that Describe
A lesson about adverbs and their various uses in a sentence. An introduction to the questions answered by adverbs.
Did you Say Adverbs? Classifying Adverbs by Meaning
A simple lesson in adverbs of degree with explanations and some examples.
The Describer: Learning to use Adverbs
Learning more about adverbs as describing words. Explanations and summary of adverbs that modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.
A Day On The Farm
Farm reading comprehension and noting what the story says.
Reading Comprehension: A Ride to the Woods
Student will learn reading comprehension as they discover animals that live in the woods.
Avoiding Double Negatives
This lesson introduces the concept of double negatives and the use of contractions ending in n?t.
Bad or Badly - A troublesome Pair
A short lesson in correct use of the words bad or badly.
Few and Less - A Confusing Pair
A lesson about the correct use of the adjectives few and less.
Good and Well - A Confusing Pair
A lesson about a troublesome adverb and adjective pair, good and well. Also a short reminder about using the phrases feel good and feel well.
No, Not, Never - Avoiding the Double Negative
A simple lesson on avoiding double negatives in sentences.
An Introduction to Adjectives
This lesson provides an overview of adjectives and how they are used.
This lesson provides an overview of prepositions, prepositional phrases, and their usage.
I or Me? Which Pronoun to Use?
Another lesson about personal pronouns. The focus is on how to use the pronouns I and me correctly.
Number Please: Singular or Plural Pronouns?
A lesson about how to use singular and plural pronouns.
Using Personal Pronouns
This is an introductory lesson in using personal pronouns.
Pronouns Anyone? Standing in for Nouns
This is an introductory lesson about pronouns.
What is the Case?
This lesson introduces the concepts of pronouns, possessive pronouns, and case.
Learning to Use Indefinite Pronouns
An introductory lesson about indefinite pronouns. A list of indefinite pronouns is provided for future use. Students should be encouraged to clip this list and place it in a grammar workbook for handy reference.
Personal Pronouns: Putting it all Together
A review of pronoun case, number and person.
Not So Personal Pronouns
A review of personal pronouns and an introduction to other types of pronouns.
Speaker, Speaker: Using Pronouns to Show Person
An introductory lesson about the use of person in personal pronouns, and a review of the use of case and number as they relate to pronouns.
Demonstrate: Using Demonstrative Pronouns
An introductory lesson about demonstrative pronouns.
This is a lesson about proper use of capitalization.
This is a lesson about conjunctions and their uses.
This is a lesson about interjections and their uses.
This is a lesson about prepositions and their uses.
Subject Verb Agreement
This is a lesson about proper subject / verb agreement.
Renu?s First Day at School
This is designed as a reading comprehension lesson. Students will read a story and answer questions related to the text.
Using Intensive Pronouns
An introduction to the concept and use of intensive pronouns.
Intensive Or Reflexive Pronouns: How to Use Them
A lesson on intensive and reflexive pronouns. Students read sentences and decide which pronoun to use. Students also write their own sentences, using intensive and reflexive pronouns.
Reflected: Using Reflexive Pronouns
A lesson about how to use reflexive and intensive pronouns. Students will list the singular and plural intensive and reflexive pronouns, and answer review questions.
Using Interrogative Pronouns
A short lesson on how to use interrogative pronouns. Students will fill in sentences and write their own sentence using interrogative pronouns.
Who or Whom: Which Interrogative Pronoun?
A review lesson on how to use interrogative pronouns with special attention to the confusing pair, who or whom. Students will answer review questions.
Yikes! An Interjection!
A short lesson on how to use interjections. Students will create sentences to show strong or quieter emotion, using interjections of their choice.
Yikes! Wow! An Interjection
A lesson about interjections and how to use them. Students will answer review questions about interjections and the punctuation marks used with them.
Learning About Interjections
An introductory lesson about interjections and how to use them. Students will answer review questions about interjections and use them in their own sentences.
Using Reciprocal Pronouns
A short lesson about how to correctly use the reciprocal pronouns, each other and one another.
Pronoun Relative: Using Relative Pronouns
This is an introductory lesson about relative pronouns and how to use them. The students will test their knowledge by writing their own sentences. Choices are provided, allowing students to fill in the correct relative pronouns in a sentence.
Prepositional Phrases
An introductory lesson about prepositional phrases and how to use them. Students will write their own sentences using adjective phrases and adverb phrases.
Learning to Use Prepositional Phrases
An introductory lesson about prepositional phrases and the objects of prepositions and prepositional phrases in a sentence.
Prepositions Anyone?
A short lesson about prepositions and how they are used. Students will write their own sentences using prepositions to show, location, direction, and time.
Prepositions: Over, Under, and Above
This is an introductory lesson about prepositions and how to use them. Students will write sentences, using prepositions.