It?s A Zoo! Noun And Article Search
About the It?s A Zoo! Noun And Article Search Lesson

A review lesson to reinforce the idea that articles and nouns are often paired together in a sentence. If students are having trouble identifying nouns, this will also give them a pointer to look for articles before nouns.
• To have students underline article and noun pairs.
To see if students can locate all the pairs in a sentence. Some sentences have two article and noun pairs.
Remind students who have trouble with nouns to look for the guide words, a, an or the, before nouns.
Suggested Grades
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
What is a noun? Nouns are words that name a person, place, thing or animal. Articles are the small words - a. an or the. If you see an article, a noun is sure to follow. Articles are small adjectives that point to a noun.