Atoms and Static Electricity Objectives
About the Atoms and Static Electricity Objectives Lesson

This lesson introduces students to atoms.
• To be able to identify the different parts of an atom.
To be able to identify the electrical charge for each part of an atom.
To be able to describe insulators and conductors.
Suggested Grades
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
What is an atom? The easiest way to think of an atom is to think of it as the smallest piece of an item. For example, if you have a brick of gold, you can divide it in half and give half to someone else. You can then divide your half in half again and give that half away. You can keep dividing your brick of gold until you have a piece so small that you cannot even see it without a microscope. Even though that piece is small, it is still a piece of gold- just as very small piece. Eventually, if you kept dividing your piece of gold, you would get to the smallest piece of gold possible. That smallest piece of gold would be an atom. If you divided it into smaller pieces, it would no longer be gold.