Beetles, Bees and Butterflies - Reading Comprehension and Classification
About the Beetles, Bees and Butterflies - Reading Comprehension and Classification Lesson

An article about beetles, bees and butterflies to be read individually and discussed in groups, facilitated by the teacher. Followed by a reading comprehension activity and a visual classification activity using their own artwork.
• The children will be able to read the article with comprehension.
The children will be able to classify according to differences and similarities.
Suggested Grades
3rd Grade
Beetles are part of a very big family. There are about 380,000 different species of beetles - that is more than a quarter of all animal species! The next biggest family is the bee family, which includes wasps and ants. Did you know they were related? The third biggest family in the animal kingdom is the family of butterflies and moths. Because all these families are so big there is a great deal to learn about them so today we?ll just look at some of their characteristics.