What is the Day Today? ? Measurements of Time
About the What is the Day Today? ? Measurements of Time Lesson

Most children will come to this lesson with prior knowledge of the days and months of the year. This lesson aims to extend that knowledge. Visual aid in the form of a calendar will enrich the lesson.
What is a year? It is the time it takes for the e
• The children will understand that the year is divided into months, weeks and days.
The children will be able to identify and name the days of week and the months of year.
The children will be able to order the days and months in the correct sequence.
Suggested Grades
1st Grade
2nd Grade
The reading should be used as a class discussion. Activity A is a fun way to identify and classify the days and the months. Activity B tests the children?s ability to order both days and months correctly.
What is a year? It is the time it takes for the earth to go around the sun, which is just about 365 days. Do you know what year this is? If you said 2008, you are correct. But did you know that not everyone has the same names for the years? In China, this year is called the year of the Rat. Not everyone begins and ends the year at the same time either, some cultures celebrate the New Year in March or April. Do you know when our year begins? Yes, the first day of January.
The calendar most of the world uses today is called the Gregorian calendar and it is 426 years old.