Ecology Introduction
About the Ecology Introduction Lesson

This is an introductory lesson about ecology, ecosystems, and ecological environments.
• to define ecology and explain its purpose and function;
to name the different types of ecology and their focus of study.
Suggested Grades
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Ecology is usually considered to be a branch of biology. Ecologists are scientists who study ecology. The term ?ecology? comes from Greek words that mean ?study of the household.?
Ecology studies the ?household? of living things. Ecology is the relationship of living things to each other and to their natural environment. The environment of a living thing includes physical properties like climate and soil.
Ecologists also study biomes. Biomes are often called ecosystems. Because of its focus on the organization of life on earth and the relationship between organisms and their environment, ecology draws on many other branches of science. For this reason, ecology is often considered to be a holistic science.