Exclamatory Sentences: Show Some Excitement
About the Exclamatory Sentences: Show Some Excitement Lesson
This is an introductory lesson or a review about sentence types with a focus on exclamatory sentences.
• to introduce the idea of exclamatory sentences;
to provide definitions and examples of exclamatory sentences;
to provide examples of other types of sentences.
to introduce or review exclamation marks and their correct usage.
Suggested Grades
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
A sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense. There are four types:
1. Declarative sentences or Statements tell us something or state a fact.
? President Theodore Roosevelt was the inspiration for the teddy bear.
2. Interrogative sentences ask a question.
? Did you know teddy bears were created in 1902?
3. Exclamatory sentences express strong emotion.
? I love teddy bears!
4. Imperative sentences are commanding sentence. They give a command.
? Give the baby her teddy bear.