Water, Water Everywhere ? Exploring Liquids
About the Water, Water Everywhere ? Exploring Liquids Lesson

The first two activities help to reinforce the information gleaned from the discussion. The third activity helps the children to understand and demonstrate the concept of the water cycle.
• The children will be able to describe some of the properties of water.
The children will be able to describe the water cycle.
Suggested Grades
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
Let?s talk about water. It doesn?t really seem very interesting, does it? It has no taste, no smell and no color. But water is one of the most important substances on earth. Did you know that you can go without food for two weeks or more but you cannot go without water for more than a day or two? Not only do human beings need water, but also animals and plant cannot survive without it either. Luckily, about 70% of the earth?s surface is covered by water. That comes to about 325 million trillion gallons of water! Unfortunately, most of that is salty. So how do we get drinking water from the oceans? To find out, we first need to look at the different characteristics of water.