What do I do? - Exploring verbs
About the What do I do? - Exploring verbs Lesson

The lesson introduces the present, past, and future tenses of regular verbs.
• The children will be able to identify verbs.
The children will be able to categorize verbs according to their tense.
The children will be able to use verbs correctly in a sentence.
Suggested Grades
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
Today we are going to explore some very important words called verbs. Verbs are ?doing words? - that means that they are words which tell us about physical actions such as ?walk?, ?play? and ?jump? and mental actions, or things we do with our minds, such as ?guess? or ?dream?. How many others can you think of?
Verbs also tell us when the action happened. This is called the tense of the verb. The word walk, for example, is in the present tense. In the past tense we would say walked, and in the future tense, will walk. Here is how we could write them in sentences: