Forests of the World
About the Forests of the World Lesson

A lesson about the six basic forest types and their characteristics.
• to teach students the name of each forest type;
to teach the characteristics of each forest type;
to teach the difference between deciduous and coniferous trees;
to provide exercises that test students? understanding of the forest types and their characteristic.
Suggested Grades
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
Did you know that 30% of the earth?s land area is covered with trees? Those trees make up forests which are needed to keep our planet alive and healthy. If you?ve ever traveled around the country, you might have noticed that trees are different everywhere you go. The types of trees that grow in an area depend on the location and climate. Climate varies so much across the world that there are six different kinds of forests on earth! Today you will learn about each type of forest, and why forestation is so important for humans.