Understanding the Four Forces of Flight
About the Understanding the Four Forces of Flight Lesson

A lesson on the four forces that affect flight.
• To introduce students to the four forces of flight.
To explain how the four forces work together and against each other to help planes fly.
To provide exercises that test students? understanding of the four forces.
To exercise critical thinking skills and test in depth understanding of flight.
Suggested Grades
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
Travelers who must go long distances often prefer airplanes, because planes are much faster than cars. However, planes do not move quickly just to keep airline customers happy. A plane must move forward at a very fast rate in order to take off and stay in the air. The high speed of a moving airplane is caused by the first force of flight, thrust. Thrust is the force that keeps the plane moving forward. It can be created by a powerful jet engine, airplane propellers, or rocket engine.