Gone With the Past: Past Tense Verbs
About the Gone With the Past: Past Tense Verbs Lesson

Another lesson on using past tense verbs. It is designed to show students how to add an ed ending to change present tense verbs into past tense verbs.
• to reinforce use of past tense verbs;
to show how to change verbs from present tense to past tense;
to require students to change past tense verbs into present tense;
to assess students? understanding of the concept of past tense.
Suggested Grades
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
Verbs are action words. They tell us what someone or something is doing now or what they did in the past.
? We use a present tense verb to tell us about now.
? we use a past tense verb to tell us what happened in the past.