Humpty Dumpty - Identifying Rhyming Words
About the Humpty Dumpty - Identifying Rhyming Words Lesson

The discussion re-introduces the concept of rhyming words, which the children will have encountered previously in their school career and looks at the patterns of rhyming words.
• The children will be able to identify rhyming words.
The children will be able to create simple verses.
Suggested Grades
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet
Little Bo Peep
Has lost her sheep.
Did you learn nursery rhymes when you were little? Some of these nursery rhymes have been around for a hundred years or more. Yet children still enjoy them today. Why do you think that is? Rhyming poems usually have a nice beat and a melody, just like a song. They are easy to learn and fun to recite.
What makes words rhyme? Generally, rhyming words belong to the same word family.