Learning to Use Indefinite Pronouns
About the Learning to Use Indefinite Pronouns Lesson

An introductory lesson about indefinite pronouns. A list of indefinite pronouns is provided for future use. Students should be encouraged to clip this list and place it in a grammar workbook for handy reference.
• to introduce the concept of indefinite pronouns;
to present some examples of indefinite pronouns;
to demonstrate how indefinite pronouns can be used as adjectives.
to test students? understanding through appropriate exercises.
Suggested Grades
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
Pronouns stand in for nouns almost like a substitute teacher or a pinch hitter in baseball. A personal pronoun takes the place of a noun that names people or sometimes things. Personal pronouns are the pronouns we use most. There are also other types of pronouns. One of them is the indefinite pronoun.