Japan Introduction
About the Japan Introduction Lesson

This lesson introduces students to Japan.
• To be able to name some of the major figures in Japanese history.
To be able to describe where Japan is located.
To be able to describe the periods of Japan?s history.
Suggested Grades
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
Japan is a nation made of a chain of islands in eastern Asia in the North Pacific Ocean. The nation is divided into 47 prefectures, or governmental jurisdictions. These prefectures can be divided into nine basic regions: Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa. Japan is a constitutional monarchy, but the monarch (emperor) has limited powers. The monarch appoints a Prime Minister, who is the head of the executive power of the government. The legislative duties are performed by the National Diet, which is a parliament. The current Emperor of Japan is Akihito. He assumed the throne in 1989 and is the 125th emperor of Japan. Although his duties are largely ceremonial, he travels to many foreign countries and is an honored diplomat.