Kung Fu
About the Kung Fu Lesson

This lesson is designed to increase reading comprehension. It provides an overview of the history of martial arts.
• To be able to define what Kung fu is.
To be able to identify two of the Chinese dynasties that ruled during the time of martial arts.
To be able to describe the difference between the northern and southern temples.
To be able to describe life in the Shaolin temples.
To be able to identify two animals studied by Shaolin masters.
Suggested Grades
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
Between the years of 750 and 1300, the Song Dynasty ruled China and the founder of the Dynasty was himself a master in Shaolin Kung fu. Therefore, he set up his government to fully support people training in the martial arts. There were many schools that were created to teach people to become archers, swordsmen, and boxers. During this time, even women were encouraged to train in these combative arts.