The Lake Trip
About the The Lake Trip Lesson

After rescuing a trapped bird, a boy and his sister discover the importance of protecting the environment and preserving natural resources.
• Students will be able to explain how pollution affects our freshwater resources and animal habitats.
Students will be able to explain how animals are harmed by pollution.
Students will be able to demonstrate how and why we have recycling programs.
Students will be able to assess what an animal?s habitat consists of.
Suggested Grades
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Every Fourth of July, Stephen and his family go to a lake close to their home, for a family vacation. This year things were different. Their camp site was fairly close to the lake and Stephen and his sister were able to fish and play in the water. Stephen and his sister, Angelica, decided to take a hike to the lake for a swim. When they approached the water, they saw a bird lying on the ground with its head caught in a plastic bag.