Leaves and Photosynthesis
About the Leaves and Photosynthesis Lesson

This lesson introduces students to photosynthesis and why leaves change their colors in fall.
• To be able to describe the process of photosynthesis.
To be able to explain why leaves change their colors in fall.
To be able to identify why leaves turn red.
To be able to explain the importance of leaves.
Suggested Grades
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Have you ever wondered why leaves change colors in fall? Leaves play an important part in the life of a tree. Leaves can be thought of as nature s food factories.
Plants get their water from the ground using roots. Plants take carbon dioxide from the air. They use sunlight to turn the water and air that they take into glucose. Glucose is a type of sugar. Plants use glucose as food for energy and also as a building block for growing. The process by which plants turn carbon dioxide and water into sugar is called photosynthesis.