Louis XIV
About the Louis XIV Lesson

This lesson familiarizes students with Louis XIV?s reign in France.
• To be able to explain how Louis XIV came into power.
To be able describe some of Louis XIV?s accomplishments.
To be able to describe the advances of the French people as a result of Louis XIV?s reign.
Suggested Grades
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
From 1643 to 1715, France was ruled by Louis XIV, and extravagant monarch. Louis XIV nicknamed himself ?the Sun king.? He truly thought that the world revolved around him in the same way that the planets revolve around the sun. Prior to Louis XIV?s reign, France was a collection of various provinces that were ruled by multiple barons. Louis united these provinces to form one nation-state, ruled by the king. Louis is famous for having said, ?The state ? I am the state.?