Nobel Prizes
About the Nobel Prizes Lesson

This is a lesson about the Nobel Prizes with an explanation of each.
• to describe the history of the Nobel Prize;
to list the different subjects in which Nobel Prizes are awarded;
to briefly explain the nomination process of the Nobel Prizes.
Suggested Grades
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Every year, there are six Nobel Prizes that may be awarded to people of any nationality who are considered to have done outstanding and groundbreaking work.
The Nobel Prizes are awarded for achievements in one of the following subjects:
1. Physics
2. Chemistry
3. Physiology or Medicine
4. Literature
5. Peace
In 1968, Sweden?s central bank instituted an additional Nobel Prize in Economics in memory of Alfred Nobel.
The Nobel Prize is based on the will of Alfred Nobel who was from Sweden. He was a chemist, an engineer, an industrialist, a weapon manufacturer, and the inventor dynamite.