No Direct Objects Allowed: Using Intransitive Verbs
About the No Direct Objects Allowed: Using Intransitive Verbs Lesson

Using intransitive verbs with explanations showing the differences between transitive and intransitive.
• Introduce the subject of intransitive verbs.
Short review of transitive verbs, direct and indirect objects.
Use questions and examples to see if children understand the differences in the verbs.
Also see how well students follow instructions by using an X to mark verbs that are not transitive.
Suggested Grades
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
A transitive verb is an action verb that may take a direct object or an indirect object. Some sentences would not make sense unless the verb had a direct object to receive the action, or an indirect object that shows who or for what the action is performed
Intransitive Verbs are verbs that are not followed by a direct object.
These action verbs can be followed by other words which tell when or how an action takes place.