North Dakota
About the North Dakota Lesson

A lesson on the state of North Dakota. The reading is accompanied by true/false questions.
• To introduce students to salient features about the state of North Dakota and its history.
Suggested Grades
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
North Dakota is located in the northern Great Plains area of the central United States. North Dakota shares its northern border with the country of Canada. North Dakota is surrounded by three other states: Montana to the west; South Dakota to the south; and Minnesota to the east. The Red River forms the boundary between North Dakota and Minnesota.
Early History
Archaeologists inform us that the land of present-day North Dakota was once home to wooly mammoths, but these prehistoric creatures became extinct about 8,000 years ago. Ancient people lived in North Dakota at that time but very little is known about them. However, archaeologists have more information about the Woodland people who lived on the land between 500 BCE and 1000 CE. Woodland people learned to cultivate crops and lived in small villages. They also utilized the local Knife River flint for crafting sharp tools and spear points.