Person, Place, or Thing Noun Hunt
About the Person, Place, or Thing Noun Hunt Lesson

This lesson starts with common nouns to familiarize children with words that are nouns. Children take what they have learned in earlier lessons to show that the names of persons, places, things, or animals are nouns.
• to teach children about parts of speech and simple sentence structure;
to teach children that a noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or animal;
to encourage children to write nouns of their own.
Suggested Grades
1st Grade
2nd Grade
Nouns are words that we use every day. They are parts of speech that help us make sentences. Nouns can be the name of a person. Mom is a noun that talks about a person. Nouns can also be the name of a place. School is a noun because it is the name of a place. Nouns can be the name of a thing. Ball is a noun because it is the name of a thing. Nouns can also be the name of an animal. Dog is a noun because it is the name of an animal.