Physical Activity - Introduction to Fitness
About the Physical Activity - Introduction to Fitness Lesson

To introduce the basic concept of physical fitness and its benefits to elementary students.
• Students will be aware of the increasing rise in obesity amongst children.
Students will understand why it?s important to be active.
Students will be able to define physical fitness.
Students will know what the short and long-term benefits of fitness are.
Students will know what types of activities will help them improve their fitness levels.
Suggested Grades
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
1. Explain why inactivity amongst children in our society today has become a huge problem. Explain the implications of this phenomenon. For example, a child who is overweight or obese has a higher chance of experiencing health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
2. Tell students that one of the ways to live a healthy life is to be active. Talk about the sedentary lifestyle kids tend to lead in today?s culture. Ask how much time they spend watching TV, playing video games or sitting in front of the computer.