Short Vowel Review
About the Short Vowel Review Lesson

This lesson is designed to help 1st grade students learn and master short vowel sounds and cVc words.
• Proficiency and mastery of vowel sounds (A, E, I, O , U).
Read proficiently cVc words (i.e; cat, pig, etc.).
Spell proficiently cVc words (i.e; cat, pig, etc.).
Identify short vowel sounds in cVc words (i.e; cat, pig, etc.).
Suggested Grades
1st Grade
2nd Grade
d. Together say, ?/a/? ?Great, the letter A makes the /a/ sound. Tell me again, without my help, what sound does the letter A make??
e. Students say, ?/a/? (If students struggle help them with this.)
f. ?Wonderful, the letter A makes the /a/ sound like ant. Now say the letter A sound with me three times.?
g. Together say, ?/a/, /a/, /a/.? Teacher say, ?Excellent, now say the sound on your own.?
h. Students say, ?/a/, /a/, /a/.?
i. ?One more time what is the name of this letter? (Point to the letter A)? Wait for responses.