Solving Problems Part 1 - Addition
About the Solving Problems Part 1 - Addition Lesson

Solving addition problems part 1.
• Students will be able to separate relevant facts from irrelevant facts when solving word problems.
Students will solve word problems and state answers in complete sentences.
Suggested Grades
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
1. Read lesson and discuss lesson with students.
2. Instruct students to complete word problems.
3. Review solutions to word problems with students.
When you solve a word problem, the first thing you need to do is decide which information in the problem is needed to solve the problem and which is not.
For example, suppose you have this problem to solve:
Jake earns $5 an hour doing yard work in his neighborhood after school. On Monday, he spent 2 hours raking leaves for Mrs. Wilson. On Tuesday, he had a cub scout meeting. On Wednesday, he spent 2 hours pulling weeds and sweeping for Mr. Lakeland. How many hours did he work all together?