Action or Being: Which Verb Do I Use?
About the Action or Being: Which Verb Do I Use? Lesson

This lesson explains the difference between action verbs and state-of-being verbs. The lesson introduces the four common parts of the verb to be: am, is, are, and be.
• to introduce state of being verbs;
to explain the difference between action verbs and state-of-being verbs;
to test the students? understanding of the concept of state-of-being verbs.
Suggested Grades
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
Verbs are action words in a sentence. Verbs tell us what someone or something is doing or has done. For example:
? Martha jumps rope.
? Greg bounced the ball.
Jumps and bounced are both action words. They tell about an action that someone or something is doing or has done. Many verbs show action.