About the Taiga Lesson

An overview of the characteristics of the taiga biome including plant and animal life.
• Students will identify the climatic characteristics of taiga.
Students will recognize the plant and animal life of the taiga along with their special adaptations.
Suggested Grades
5th Grade
6th Grade
Winter is a very difficult time for the animals of the taiga. Some animals have developed ways of coping with the climate while others hibernate or migrate south during the cold season. Some animals like the ermine and the snowshoe rabbit have a white coat during the winter that helps with camouflage. Beavers, squirrels, moose, and wolverines are other animals that have adapted to life in the taiga. Wolverines are an interesting mammal. They are very strong for their size and capable of killing a much larger animal. They also have unique ways of mating and bearing their young at the ideal time to increase their chances of survival.