Command Sentences: Take Me To Your Leader
About the Command Sentences: Take Me To Your Leader Lesson
This is an introductory lesson about command sentences.
• to introduce the concept of command sentences;
to provide brief examples and descriptions of telling, asking, and command sentences;
to test students? understanding with an appropriate exercise.
Suggested Grades
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
Some sentences are telling sentences. They tell something or state a fact.
? Jupiter is the largest planet.
? Life does not exist on Jupiter.
Other sentences are asking sentences. They ask a question. Asking sentences usually begin with a word that asks. Who, what, when, where, why, did, and does are all words that ask questions.
? Have you ever looked through a telescope?
? Do you believe aliens live on Pluto?
A third type of sentence is a command sentence. This kind of sentence commands someone to do something. If an alien decided to visit earth, he might command something like this:
? Take me to your leader.