What is the time? Measurements of Time
About the What is the time? Measurements of Time Lesson

The reading introduces the children to the analogue clock and should be used as a class discussion, preferably with visual aids in the form of clocks which they can handle and whose hands they can manipulate.
• The children will be able to identify the hour hand and the minute hand on the clock and explain what each one does.
The children will be able to tell the time to the nearest hour and half hour on analogue clocks.
Suggested Grades
1st Grade
Here is a little poem we used to sing at the end of the school day:
Tick, tock, tick, tock,
It?s time to stop, it?s time to stop.
Tick, tock, tick, tock,
It?s time to stop our play.
The clock tells us when to get up and when to go to bed. It tells us when it?s time for school and when it?s time to go home. It tells us when to eat breakfast and lunch and dinner. Because so many of the things we do depend upon the time, it?s important to be able to look at the clock and know what it is saying to us.