The Vikings
About the The Vikings Lesson

This is an introductory lesson about the Vikings, their area of exploration, and their ships and armory.
• to list and discuss some of the Vikings? areas of exploration;
to name and describe two types of ships used by the Vikings;
to present and discuss some historical details about Erik the Red;
to describe and discuss Viking armor.
Suggested Grades
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
Vikings were Norsemen who explored many areas of Europe between the eighth and eleventh centuries. This time period is known as the Viking Age. Norsemen were from the Scandinavian areas of northern Europe. Generally, this area refers to what is now known as Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland.
The Vikings explored the north Atlantic Ocean and reached North America. They established a small colony in what is known today as Newfoundland and Labrador. They also traveled as far south as Africa and to the east as far as Russia and Turkey. There is evidence that they used the Volga River a great deal in their journeys. The Volga River is the largest river in Europe, emptying into the Caspian Sea.