Wacky Weather
About the Wacky Weather Lesson

A girl on vacation by the ocean discovers exciting information about tides, wind, land and water.
• Students will be able to describe the difference between climate and temperature.
Students will be able to explain what causes weather.
Students will be able to assess what tides are.
Students will be able to demonstrate what causes winds.
Suggested Grades
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
Sitting on the dock at her beach house, Angelica noticed how beautiful the waves were as they rushed into shore. She could not believe how cool it was on the beach. The day had been very hot and humid. This was typical weather in Florida during the summer, but today it was almost unbearable to be outside. Angelica and her family had played in the water and the hot sun all day. They were sunburned and tired, but they were going out for dinner since her mother did not want to cook.