Waste Not, Want Not ? Recycling
About the Waste Not, Want Not ? Recycling Lesson

The reading introduces the concept of natural resources. This could be used in the full class or in groups to generate further discussion around the concept.
• The children will understand the need for recycling.
The children will be able to explain the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources.
Suggested Grades
3rd Grade
4th Grade
Activity A helps to reinforce the children?s understanding of the concepts, and Activity B is a classification exercise, which requires some thought about the origin of the products. Activity C is a problem-solving exercise, which gives the children an opportunity to be resourceful in the use of their imaginations.
Do you ever wonder where your garbage goes when you toss a candy wrapper or pop bottle into the trash can? Well, most of it ends up in landfills, but, at the rate at which we are throwing things away (America dumps about 5 billion tons of garbage a year!) we will soon run out of space to put it. Garbage comes from homes, schools, hospitals, offices, industry and mining, but today we are only going to talk about the trash that comes from our homes and schools. This is where we can make a difference.