Why Earthquakes Occur
About the Why Earthquakes Occur Lesson
A lesson about earthquakes, how they occur, and how they are measured.
• to teach students how and why earthquakes occur;
to teach students basic geology vocabulary that pertains to earthquakes;
to teach how scientists measure and categorize earthquakes;
to test students understanding of earthquake vocabulary;
to provide exercises that require critical thinking about what causes of earthquakes.
Suggested Grades
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
Did you know that surface of the Earth is not one giant shell? It may look solid to us, but the Earth?s surface has cracks in it, and actually fits together like a puzzle. What happens when one of these gigantic puzzle pieces moves? An earthquake!
Scientists cannot predict when an earthquake will take place, but they do understand why Earthquakes happen. They can also tell us which areas of the Earth are most likely to experience an earthquake. Today, you will learn how scientists have put the pieces of the earthquake puzzle together.